It's officially begun. This new life of mine. And I must say, while I've never been so stressed.. I don't think I've ever been happier. The move was tough. Moving things out in the middle of my parents' war was like trying to smuggle contraband across enemy lines. I'm so glad I had Ashley there to help me with everything. I couldn't have done it on my own. I need to go back to clean, but am having a really difficult time pepping myself up enough to deal with it right now. It just brings me down.
I'm in a good place now. I love my house. I love the people I'm surrounded with, and I love that I feel like I have friends again. I'm not secluded. And it's what I needed to pull me out of the slump I was in. Things aren't even settled yet, but the first night in the house was the best I've slept in over a year. New giant bed for the win.
I'm excited to see where things go from here. They can only go up.
The move wasn't the only huge event this weekend. On Monday, Keri Leonard passed away. Keri was the aunt to my best childhood friend Chelsea. They were our neighbors and I knew them since I was in diapers. Keri was a surrogate aunt. Their entire family was my second home. Chelsea and I were inseperable until we turned 16. We went down seperate paths. She got pregnant and dropped out, I moved into my own place and we just lost touch. Neither of us really kept the friendship going. Still, the minute I heard about Keri's passing, I reached out to Chelsea. We hadn't talked in nearly five years, but I knew I wanted to be at the services. I was so nervous about seeing her and her family. I was shaking as I walked into the funeral home, as soon as I saw Chelsea we hugged and both started bawling. It was so hard to see someone I cared about so much in so much pain. It just felt right being there for her. The entire service was beautiful and not your typical funeral service. It was exactly what Keri would have wanted. We instantly picked up where we had left off. Her entire family was so warm and welcoming and made it known how much they missed me. Chelsea says that Keri was constantly harrassing her to call me and fix our friendship. In some morbid way, I think this was her way of bringing us back together. I wish we had been able to do it on better terms, but I'm thankful that we've been given a second chance at our friendship.
Rest In Peace, Keri. Thank you for the incredible memories, the lessons in compassion, teaching me to really love myself, and being an amazing example of living life to the fullest. I can only wish to be half the woman you were.
This whole experience with reuniting with Chelsea has inspired me to keep my word more. To not let my friendships slip away. When I say, HEYLET'SHANGOUT, I plan on making it happen.
I'm so lucky to have Ashley as my best friend. She's my other half. But it's been a lot of work to keep it together. I can't even imagine how many more good friends I'd have right now if I put as much effort into the friendships.